• +256 772 565 565 |+256 700 503 592
  • info@uniri.ac.ug
  • Fort Portal

Scientific innovation and

Register for a Short Course in Scientific Innovation and Development

This short course will enable the participants to gain skills in Developing Scientific Innovations. The course will enable participants identify problems in society and design innovative solutions that they can apply to solve those problems. The short course is conducted online every Thursday where each module is covered. During and after the on-line sessions, participants are engaged in Hands-on activities. Successful participants will be given a certificate of attendance when they complete a Module and those that complete all the Modules will be given a certificate of achievement.

The participants are expected to pay Uganda shillings 50,000/= or equivalent in foreign currency for each module or Uganda shillings 300,000/= or equivalent in foreign currency for all modules to:

  • Account Name: Universal Institute of Research and Innovations
  • Account No: 05566560006
  • Currency: Uganda Shillings(UGX)
  • Bank: Bank of Africa
  • Branch: Fort-Portal Branch
  • Country: Uganda

Kindly scan and send the payment confirmation to info@uniri.ac.ug or WhatsApp 0740564689.